I’m always on the lookout for great ideas in creative doll making for my Doll Club, and Art Doll Quarterly is a constant source of inspiration to me. In the Winter 2004 issue, I noticed two wire and polymer clay figures by Gwen Pina. What a novel idea! I loved them! Who would ever have thought of combining wire and polymer clay to create an art doll? How were they made? How could I make one?  So many questions started running through my brain. Shortly after that, someone told me about the artist Laura Bolombini, who did a similar kind of art, so I went to check out her website. I was blown away, and fell in love with each new figure I saw. I’m a “polymer” artist at heart and they spoke to me on so many levels. Her work was just too cool!! All those great "fabrics" made from polymer clay !! I just had to try making a wire and polymer clay figure myself, and what better motivation than to make it a project for my club. Not only could I make one, but I could see what all the club members would create as well.

We worked on the project over two club meetings, and even the diehard cloth doll makers in the group gave it a try.  Many of the members were introduced to the marvels of creative "fabric making" using polymer clay and a pasta maker. We worked our way through wiring the basket, trying to avoid poking each other or ourselves with the ends, and by the end of our first meeting there were baskets of all shapes. At our second meeting, members were to bring their pre-made polymer "fabric" pieces, which we would use to dress our figures. The variety of colour, patterns, and styles was exciting to see as each figure came to life.  At the end of the meeting, each member was left to finish their figures at home, bake them, embellish them and bring them to our next meeting.

At our December meeting the finished figures came back, and I was thrilled with the results. Each member unveiled their creation to the oohs and aahs of fellow artists. Some of us had even been inspired to make more than one figure, as well as try out some really interesting polymer techniques. What a wonderful collection of wire and polymer clay figures - each as unique as the artist who made them.

Wired Whimsey
by Ann Balaban

by Ann Balaban

by Cheryl Smith

Guradian of
the Amethyst

by Deborah Colston

Wind Swept
by Elaine Nichols

by Heather Byrne

Night Moves
by Heike Blohm

Chef du Jour
by Jadie Wright

Spirit of Creativity
by Judi Gunter

by Kinga Buday

by Lucy Garvin

Cat Woman
by Lydia Caine

by Marianne Reitsma

by Marianne Reitsma

by Martha Boers

High Society
Martha Boers

Tea Time
by Monika Shedden

by Peni Dyer

Top O' the Tree
by Wendy Rinehart

All Dressed Up
by Wendy Rinehart