Where's My Prince?
The Princess has dropped her golden ball in the pool and is looking for her Prince. She knows one of the frogs is her beloved Prince, and she must kiss him in order to undo the enchantment. But which one is her prince? The Princess holds a frog in each hand as she prepares to kiss all the frogs around the pool. The real Frog Prince, who wears a tiny golden crown sits on the far edge of the pool behind her and is waving to try get her attention

Media: Head, hands, and feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature, with a cloth body. She has long blonde mohair with a golden beaded crown with pink jewels. She wears a gown with cream underskirt and pink overskirt, embellished with golden trim and silk ribbons.
Props: She is seated on the edge of a pool made of coral, and filled with plastic resin "water". All the frogs are sculpted of Sculpey III and painted with acrylics.
Height: approx 36 cm (14")