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Having just unearthed the fabled treasure horde, he stands with foot firmly planted on the chest, as he inspects one of the doubloons.

Media: Head, Hands and feet of Super Sculpey, on a wire armature with a cloth body. White mohair moustache, and hair tied in a ponytail. He wears a red headscarf under a black tri-corn hat with gray and red feather plumes. He wears brown socks and leather shoes, patched green pants, a dirty geige shirt with leather wrist guards. He has a brown vest, brown leather belt from which dangles a set of keys, and a leather scabbard with sword.

Props: The chest is handmade of wood with leather straps. Treasure is assorted strings of beads and jewelry findings.

Height: 43 cm (17")

February 1997

This website designed and maintained by Marianne Reitsma
All informaion and pictures on this site are copyrighted materials owned by Martha and Marianne Fine Art