Christening of Princess Aurora
There once lived a king and queen who were married for many years, but had no children. When at last a daughter was born to them, they were so delighted that they gave a feast for the baby's christening. The queen looks lovingly at her sleeping daughter. Princess Aurora truly is a little "sleeping beauty".

Media: Queen's head, hands and feet are of Super Sculpey on a wire armature, with a cloth body. She has long brown mohair braids. Her gown was originally made for an earlier Guinevere, who was taken apart. The under-dress is a grey brocade. The over-dress is a red, black and gold brocade with gold trim. Long hanging sleeves are lined with gold lame. Her crown is sewn of gold lame, then beaded and jeweled. She wears the crown over soft white veils.
Props: The baby's head, hands and feet sculpted of Super Sculpey. She wears a diaper, and a handmade christening gown of white brocade and lace, embroidered in pink and blue. She is wrapped in a fringed magenta shawl.
Height: approx 43 cm (17")