A Sampling from Our Very First
"Not at the Conference" Pin Doll Swap
(September 2002)

The first ever, not at the conference, CDAA pindoll swap was started this summer. 20 people signed up, made pindolls and sent their creations to Little Dumpy Ladies, to distribute. Over 60 pindolls were received! Kinga, Jae, and Deb, had great fun opening the boxes, and getting them ready to be sent off to their new owners. As usual, they are cute, funky, or creative, and lots of fun to make and swap. - Carolyn Englert

"The pin swap was a lot of fun. It felt like Christmas every time the packages would arrive; opening them and seeing all the wonderful creations explode into colour out of the boxes and envelopes. It was a bit of a challenge waiting for some of the later ones to come in, in order to begin the process of organizing and sending them back out. It was quite comical seeing Debs, loaded down with these boxes and envelopes, struggle her way into the Post Office, let alone the expression on the Postie's face as she just kept returning with more and more parcels to mail! I've gotten back a few emails from the ladies telling us that they'd received their packages and how much they enjoyed seeing the surprises that were inside. We'd certainly volunteer to do it again. Quite a number of ladies participated and a good 1/2 of them sent the maximum number of dolls (6 I think was the limit). Everyone was very good about including just the right amount of postage (Thanks to all the ladies!), and those that forgot were great in getting it out to us in advance of the mailing date. The variety was fantastic and the talent amazing. Not having any knowledge about pin dolls, it was amazing to see the work that goes into these small creations. -- Jade Wright