Featured Artists
CDAA members featured in this section were specifically invited, to highlight their work and to share a little about themselves as artists.
Deborah Colston |
Get a glimpse of Deborah's creativity and expressive colour in her doll making journey.
click here . . . to see
Bob Cunningham |
Bob applies his creative abilities to the art of the doll - Santa
click here . . . to see
Jeannie Paynter |
Jeannie shares her love of wood, from her childhood to the present, where she carves her charming dolls.
click here . . . to see
A Doll's Story
This feature invites CDAA members to more closely focus on a single doll art creation. If a member has a doll that was inspired by something unique, or has an interesting story relating to its creation, or they simply would just like to share it, they are encouraged to submit their "Doll's Story" along with some photos of that specific piece.
Jenny Romano |
Follow the creation and journies of the traveling pixies -- Arby and Butus.
click here . . . to see
Nancy McGall |
Nancy shares her creation of four summer solstice witches she made for the "Elements" theme for Celebration! 2006
click here . . . to see
Deborah Downey |
A touching story of friendship, love, and the creation of a doll, in a modern day fairy tale .
click here . . . to see