Bonnie Backshall |
Bonnie teaches classes on sculpting with polymer clay.
Jean Bernard |
Take Jean's "Fairy Bust" calss online.
Dymoon Chen |
Are you ready for some fun? Then finding the doll in you workshop is for you.
Peni Dyer |
If you have always wanted to create your very own porcelain doll, then take Peni's seminar.
Kathryn E Groman-Lovelady |
Learn to make an aboriginal style spirit doll in cloth
Marianne Reitsma |
Journey into the world of fantasy and take a sculpting class with Marianne.
Jenny Romano |
Jenny offers a wide range of workshops using polymer clay and needle felting techniques.
Marta Smith |
Beginner and intermediate class in cloth doll making are available.
Edwina Sutherland |
Edwina is available to teach several different classes in both cloth and felted doll making.
Meinsje Vlaming |
Take a class with Meinsje, on sculpting realistic faces from paperclay.
Rita Wildschut |
Sculpt that indoor/outdoor figure, using Paverpol, in one of Rita's workshops.
Peggy Wilson |
Exploring doll making techniques.